Sunday 13 March 2016

Start of the digging season

So the digging has begun in earnest this weekend. Yesterday was particularly heavy going, being the first proper bit of digging I've done since last year. But, as with most things you've done before, I soon found myself settling in.

This time of the year is particularly exciting as you see signs of plants and trees stir to come out of dormancy.

The allotment site that I'm at is not particularly big with only around 22 plots and around 15 odd tenants. There are the few regulars that you see there on quite a regular basis come summer or winter, and then there are the large majority who you see mostly in the summer months. And then, there are the elusive ones that you see once in a blue moon.  This weekend there was a lot of activity on the site.

As always here are some photos of this weekend's allotment activities.

Preparing to dig1

Preparing to dig2

Daffodils in full bloom




Calling it a day ..

I also planted some onion sets and cleared up the strawberry patch, I'll post some photos during the week if I get a chance. 

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